
Waarvoor gebruik je een grondboor
16 Feb 2024
What do you use an earth auger for? An earth auger with a petrol engine makes the heavy work of digging a planting hole or making a pile foundation for a fence, garden house or carport easier.
De juiste manier om je heg te snoeien
16 Feb 2024
It is necessary to choose a suitable machine to maintain and trim your hedges and shrubs.
Verticuteren van je tuin of gazon. Wat is het, hoe ga je het beste te werk en welke machine kan je kiezen?
16 Feb 2024
Scarify your garden or lawn. Scarifying the lawn, you've probably heard, seen or done it....
Mulchen: Wat is het en wanneer kan je het het beste doen?
16 Feb 2024
Mulching: what is it and when is the best time to do it? What is Mulching? Mulching means covering
Kettingzaag kopen? Waar moet ik op letten?
16 Feb 2024
Buy chainsaw? What should I pay attention to? A battery chainsaw , petrol or electric to buy? The choice is...
Uw heg snoeien? Ons advies!
16 Feb 2024
Trimming your hedge? Our advice! What's the right time? September is a good time to prune your hedge.